Friday, May 14, 2010

2010 Houston Art Car Parade Adventure

Sorry it has taken me so long to get to this, but it has taken me this long to recover. : ) Seriously, it was a some kind of exhausting fun.

Perhaps the best part of the day was the weather. It was cloudy with a very pleasant breeze. The last time we did this we almost fried right there on Allen Parkway. We were very pleased with the conditions of the day.We were probably the tamest of the entries there. We were just plain cute.

I fully expect to get a call from Pixar announcing they want to include us in their next installment of the Cars franchise. I mean, come on! Look at us!

Anyway, the parade festivities begin with sitting on Allen Parkway. Allen Parkway is a beautiful street that leads from downtown Houston to the River Oaks neighborhood. It's twisty and hilly and tree lined. It is blocked off and the cars line up and wait while the masses who are hungry for eccentricity wander about and check out the cars.

I should add here the the Art Car Parade is sponsored by The Orange Show. Houston has a big folk art community. We're weird. I love that about Houston.

There are representations for every aspect of society as well as from some just plain loony people. There were schools, businesses, people who wanted to legalize marijuana, families who decorated the family van like sock monkeys. It takes all kinds.

This guy covered his Jeep with crushed cans and pull tabs.

There was the classic cock roach car. He's been around for years.

Not all art cars are cars.

These guys were next to us while we were lined up. They kept us in a dancing mood.

I didn't take as many pictures as I should have/would have liked. But you get the idea.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that we only made it through half the parade. One of our batteries died on the road. It was a tragedy. We got towed by a jeep that was painted like a tiger. We ultimately got it going and made it home, but we missed the return trip down Allen Parkway. But it was a fun and exciting day. Several friends stopped by and we ate lots of cupcakes and deviled eggs. That makes every day better.

1 comment:

YD, sometimes with ♥June and ♥Angel Samantha said...

What a fun day filled with cars, cupcakes and deviled eggs!!!
Sorry that your battery died.